Darkness chases the light away overhead to where a luminescent mist hangs along the horizon fading into shades of yellow, black and blue. Soon the sea will reach out toward it in its own darkness, absorbing the day.

At first gently; then all at once.

Scorched orb falling as we watch. A burning mirror of my pupil that sears into my watery soul; a dancing doorway to heaven.
I heat and cool with the surface of the earth. I am rock, glacier and plant. The rhythm of our bodies rise and fall in line with the tides and skies. We are liminal landscapes. I dream of deep and steady breathing.

'Landscapes shimmer when they gather rhythms shared across varied forms of life. Shimmer describes the coming in and out of focus of multispecies knots, with their cascading effects. Yolngu cosmologies inform us; juxtaposed with the stories made available from many arts and sciences, vernacular and academic, we learn the liveliness of landscapes. Landscapes enact more-than-human rhythms. To follow these rhythms, we need new histories and descriptions, crossing the sciences and humanities.'
Anna Tsing et al., Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: G12
Movement through landscapes and stopping in place are forms of threading our individual biographies with the earth. It is formed by us and we are formed by it. We trail and are traced by these topographies.