when the world sits in stillness

air moving through

up and down



it is all that remains
Law of refraction:

Refraction involves a change in the direction of waves as they pass from one medium to another. Refraction, or bending of the path of the waves, is accompanied by a change in speed and wavelength. All waves experience refraction; sound, water and light. As water has a moderating effect on the temperature of air, this is particularly pronounced in the case of sound over water. Cooler air causes sound waves to travel more slowly than in warmer air. Therefore, the portion of the wavefront directly above the water slows, drawn out along the air, the portion far above speeds ahead causing the wave to change direction, refracting downwards towards the water.
loud quiet clear distorted fast slow high low
a. List of bodies of water called sound

b. Silence
‘There are indeed corporeal and celestial poles of hearing – the one sensing, the other sensible – which, when they collide, generate the experience of sound. And that very sound, born of the fusion of the affective and the cosmic, where what is heard turns out to be our own hearing, also divides us such that – much as in a dream – we are simultaneously at home in our bodies and at large in the cosmos. Sound in this sense does not travel from source to recipient, as from a loudspeaker to the ear. It swirls, rather, between the two as a river between its banks, wrapping around obstacles and forming eddies in the process.’
Tim Ingold, Lines: 108

shifted perspective

drums beat


I am blood and skin

breath and bone

heavy panting wanting

I don't know if I

will ever find home

all I can hear is rushing